Dan Senn's document
FESTIVAL 2006 Four Days choose for its eleventh year of the festival three Prague localities, Alfred ve dvore (Alfred in the Couryard) and Ponec Theatre, which are allied theatres of Four Days association and abandoned house in the centre of Prague (former dental clinic) in Jungmannova 21. The house became the heart of the festival. Beside well-known theatre and dance companies from Europe, Canada and USA, the interactive site-specific project HOUSE was presented. HOUSE aim was to enliven public space with art – artistic event and interaction that influences and surprise Prague inhabitants in the places they would not expect it. Project included theatre performances, visual art projects, installations, and lectures about architecture, film screenings and others.
Theatre and dance performances from a different world Jo Strømgren Kompani (Norway): The Convent
Site specific projects: Side Effects - interactive theatre - unique interactive art ambulance in the house of cultural services more »
Indications – exhibition of current conceptual artists more »
Site Diagnostic Art - installations and art projects of VŠUP, DAMU, FAMU, FaVU, ČVUT, JAMU, and other Czech and foreign artists more »
– lectures and discussions about architecture:
Treatment in the Private Ward – diagnosing Jungmannova Street and its surroundings:
Symposium Home and Abroad – international theatre symposium about travelling - are current theatre and dance groups the travel companies or do they have the real necessity to confront their work with the international audience? Believe or not, what happened to our artists on their trips abroad… The symposium is held within the European theatre net Festivals in Transition more »
Concerts The Richie Success - – industrial R´n´R, electronic psychedelia , guitar groovy, German texts and dancing rhythms of musicians from Prague, New York and Switzerland
Co-organizer: hlavní město Praha, Manghi Group, Městská část Praha 1.
In co-operation with: Kruh, Jednotka/Unit, o.s. mamapapa, Školská 28, Divus, Asociace Mlok, Radio lemurie, VŠUP, FAMU, DAMU, ČVUT, JAMU, FaVU.
Supported by: Ministerstvo kultury ČR, Státní fond
kultury, Alfred ve dvoře, Divadlo Ponec/Tanec Praha, Goethe-
Institut Prag, Institut Français de Prague, Canadian Embassy,
Polský Institut
Media Partners: Přehled kulturních pořadů v Praze, Radio 1, Český rozhlas 3 - Vltava, České noviny, Taneční zóna, Umělec, Prague TV.