SITE-DIAGNOSTIC-ART College of Decorative Arts Prague Students of Kurt Gebauer Atelier
- Sculpture
Faculty of Fine Arts, Technical College Brno Students of performance and guests (of Tomáš Ruller) virtually present themselves through an intermedia improvisation, under specific circumstances, in timespace reality, in social and economic state, in environmentally energetic situation, politically cultural context, using audiovisual means, low and high technology, addressing advanced and lay audiences.
"WINDOWS AP" May 22, 3 to 12 p.m. in the windows of the House
Students of Jana Preková Atelier - Body Design OUTDOOR IN THE CENTER - Contemporary Regional Art of Moravian Women in Prague - Copydancing - Cleaning Squad - Exchange Arts - Respect to Video
Janáčeks Adademy of Dramatic Arts Brno Students of Stage design (4 year student, Jan Štěpánek) "Distilling Salmon Sugar" - free spatial installations
"Salmon Sugar" - Installation Jan Nebeská, Jan Štěpánek and guests