
Čtyři dny | Four days

Love Bombing

Nesladim Collective (Czech Republic)

Oct 7 Saturday
/ 1st premiere
17:00 Archa Theatre (small hall) Online ticket sale
Oct 8 Sunday
/ 2nd premiere
18:00 Archa Theatre (small hall) Online ticket sale
Price: 300 / 200 CZK

This production was made just for you. Without you, it wouldn’t even be worth considering. The fact that you come to see it can make it a social event. It might even make it the cultural event of the year! This isn’t a production where your presence doesn’t matter. It’s not one of those things that will happen no matter who’s sitting in the audience. This is about you. This is about your desires, ideas, and dreams. You’ll be playing the lead in this production. 

At the beginning of every relationship, we feel we’ve met the perfect soulmate. But what if that relationship turns into hell? Because there are people, sick people, with whom you’ll never create a healthy, functioning, and loving relationship. 

The latest production by the Nesladim Collective is based on the experiences and testimonies of victims of narcissistic manipulators. Can you cut yourself off in time?


The Nesladim Collective has been operating as an open artistic structure since 2019. Its dramaturgy focuses on the destigmatization of mental disorders and the theme of mental health through theatrical creation. Over the past several years, they have realized the projects House Without Sleep, Not Lazy But Tired, and in collaboration with the 4+4 Days in Motion festival, Day Will Blind Me, Evening Will Calm Me, Night Will Hide Me. They have also worked with the Nahlavu Festival, Archa Theatre, Ji.hlava Festival, Gampa Gallery, and the Catalan L’Altre Festival. The Collective consults on all its projects with the National Institute of Mental Health in Klecany.

In Czech language only

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Direction: Braňo Mazúch
Director collaboration: Linda Dušková
Dramaturgy: David Košťák, Sodja Zupanc Lotker
Stage design: Lenka Rozsnyóová
Music: Matěj Šíma
Performers: Johana Schmidtmajerová, Pavel Neškudla
PR and média: Pavla Chlebounová
Production: Kolektiv Nesladim

The project is produced with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Prague City Hall.