
Čtyři dny | Four days

Attuning to the Uncanny New World(s)

Series of performances for one audience member and intimate performance lectures on possible ways of listening.

Susana Botero Santos, Magdalena Malinová, Katharina Joy Book, Michał Salwiński, Nikola Janković, Eszter Koncz

Oct 7 Friday
/ Individual performances according to the time schedule
17:00–19:30 Erpet Smíchov
Oct 8 Saturday
/ Individual performances according to the time schedule
14:00–19:30 Erpet Smíchov


Every year, every month, every day, maybe every few minutes, we wake up to a new, even stranger and even more incomprehensible version of the world. Everything is uncanny, and what worked before doesn’t work now. We are losing control and losing the ability to listen to ourselves, our surroundings, the others and especially those who are at the end of a line. 

A group of artists from the DAMU atelier facilitated by Sodja Lotker and Peter Dlouhy do not bring answers, yet they do bring practices for tuning in to the increasingly strange world and situations we are overwhelmed within our daily lives. Through a series of 1:1 situations, performance lectures and live installations, the works presented offer ways to relate to the elusive present and teach us how to resign from positions and habitual patterns of thought that no longer make sense.

If we learn, how to listen, do we get power to take an action?



Susana Botero Santos
Magdalena Malinová
Katharina Joy Book
Michał Salwiński
Nikola Janković
Eszter Koncz



Susana Botero Santos [45 min] / 20 spectators
7.10.    19:15
8.10.    15:00

Magdalena Malinová [10 min] / 1 spectator
7.10.    18:00 + 18:15 + 18:30 + 18:45 + 19:00
8.10.    16:00 + 16:15 + 16:30 + 16:45 + 17:00 + 18:00 + 18:15 + 18:30 + 18:45 + 19:00

Katharina Joy Book  [10 min] / 1 spectator
7.10.    18:00 + 18:15 + 18:30 + 18:45 + 19:00
8.10.    16:00 + 16:15 + 16:30 + 16:45 + 17:00 + 18:00 + 18:15 + 18:30 + 18:45 + 19:00

Nikola Janković [10 min] / 1 spectator
7.10.    18:00 + 18:15 + 18:30 + 18:45 + 19:00   
8.10.    16:00 + 16:15 + 16:30 + 16:45 + 17:00 + 18:00 + 18:15 + 18:30 + 18:45 + 19:00

Michał Salwiński [40 min] / 1 spectator
8.10.    14:00 + 15:00 + 16:00 + 17:00 + 18:00

Eszter Koncz [30 min] / 10 spectator
7.10.    17:00
8.10.    17:15 + 19:15



The individual performances will take place in the dressing rooms on the lower floor of the Erpet Sports Centre. Michał Sałwinski’s performance will take place outside. It is not necessary to register in advance to participate, but it is recommended to arrive in advance. 30 minutes before the start of the program there will be a designated person in the location with whom it will be possible to sign up for a specific time.

If it would be important for you to be sure of a reserved seat, email petr@altart.cz for a specific time.



The performances of Susana Botero Santos, Katharina Joy Book and Michal Sałwinski will be in English, while the works of Magdalena Malina and Nikola Janković are available both in Czech and English. The dressing rooms in which the performances take place can feel confined. Participation requires a greater or lesser level of audience participation.


More info

Susana Botero Santos: Anamorphosis´ Journeys

Anamorphosis´ Journeys is an exploration of the body as a medium to shift identity, to touch vanity, narcissism, intimacy, sexuality, eroticism and beauty. A medium with traces of fragility and joy. It is a performative lecture that is part of a research on human body stories, costumes and performance that Susana started in 2019. By exposing a personal diary, Susana opens her female body to think about wider social themes that have conditioned human bodies: beauty stereotypes, religious oppression, violence, body culture.

Susana Botero Santos is a Colombian textile designer, performance artist and art director for film and theatre interested in body as material and the performativity of costumes and masks. In her practice she reflects on the politics of the body when it is socially exhibited, in body -temporal or permanent- transformations and on appearance as a phenomenon that conditions culture. Inspired by human anatomy and personal body stories she designs textile surfaces and devises with them to perform. She is a Master in Textile Design from Chelsea College of Art and Design in London and is currently completing a master’s degree in directing object and devised theatre at DAMU, Prague.


Magdalena Malinová: Texture of Sensuality

The Texture of Sensuality is a short performance designed as an individual audience member’s experience for about 8 minutes.  The project explores the possibilities of theatrical intimacy and touch. What is it like when the spectator creates his experience completely on his own and according to simple clues? The texture of sensuality tries to give the spectator, by simple rules, a momentary feeling of freedom and of being able to do what he wants. Through music and banal activity, performance brings him into the brief contemplative, playful state that is so valuable for contemporary everyday life.

Touch and taste are more intense senses than vision and hearing.
Close in on yourself, be alone for a while
let your hands and sense of smell lead the way. 
don’t think, 


Magdalena Malinová is film and theatre actress, dancer and performer. In addition to studying at the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre, she also studied theatre theory and criticism. The projects in which she participates as a co-creator are mostly connected with documentary and social themes. In her individual artistic work, Magdalena Malinová focuses on the performative potential of food, as her lifelong passion and philosophy in life is baking.


Katharina Joy Book: Doll Crush Salon

A one-on-one performance in which you get your face painted (or hair brushed, or nails done) while we have a conversation about things like death and sex (or money, or horses). Think of it like gossiping with an amateur teenage hair stylist, but about your dark adult thoughts. All sessions will be strictly confidential, and you will get to keep an imprint of our conversation.

Katharina Joy Book is a writer and performance maker. Recent performances include Yours Now (Prague, 2022), Tornado Watch with Eszter Koncz (Berlin, 2021), and Sandbox with Dora Rodriguez (Prague, 2021). Currently based in Prague, she is studying on the MA program in Directing of Devised and Object Theatre at DAMU.


Nikola Janković: Fear Washing

Fear Washing is a 1:1 performance inspired by a real ritual performed by my grandmother in Serbia, who says she is a witch.
The so-called evil eye is negative energy that enters a person in the form of small or large fears, often accumulates and attracts misfortune. If we want to get rid of the evil eye, we have to go through a specific ritual, which is performed exclusively by women.
Although I am not a woman, my grandmother showed me a few tricks………….. What are you afraid of?

Nikola Janković comes from Serbia and was born in the town of Čačak. In Prague, he is studying the master’s program of the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theater at DAMU, where he also graduated with a bachelor’s degree in authorial acting. In his theater work, he dealt with issues of foreignness, emigration and identity, and he is currently researching the topic of rituals associated with superstitions and trying to dramatize them.


Michał Salwiński: wayfaring with a line ~ ongoing research

One-on-one drawing & writing conversation.
It will be a fragment of research on possible ways of being in the world. 
I see a white line in the sky, a white cloud traced by an airplane. I see a line on a leaf, blown by the wind on a sidewalk and I notice a line on the skin on my hand. 
The drawing will trace this line. 
“Drawing is not the production of an image, it’s the trace of a movement.” – Tim Ingold

Michal Salwiński is working one-on-one, ‘journey – structure like performances’. In his works, he mixes story-telling, drawing and atmosphere of the place, being companionship with the spectators to places of vulnerability and otherness.


Eszter Koncz: nanohomes.cz

nanohomes.cz ~ natural nonhuman nomadic homes ~ is a trusted real estate agency focusing on sustainable nonhuman nomadic homes in Prague and the surrounding areas!
For further info check our website at www.nanohomes.cz

Eszter Koncz Eszter Koncz is a Hungarian artist currently based in Prague, studying Directing of Devised and Object Theater at DAMU. She works in the fields of performance art, intermedia, and visual arts. She is interested in landscapes, cities, maps, and the humans and non-humans inhabiting them. In her practice, she works with devising to explore /document /imagine the relationships that constitute these spaces.