
Čtyři dny | Four days



Dance performance
  • Monday Oct 10 / 20:00, Archa Theatre
Price: 290 / 190 CZK

Lavagem brings to life a past inherited from our ancestors filled with struggles but also secret joys and playfulness. What, really, needs to be cleaned? Houses and the dirt in the rooms? The traces we have left behind us? Historical facts? The odor of our bodily fluids, which we smell the moment we come close to one another? Soap foam hides the body and points to its invisibility; bubbles evoke a world of dreams that is in sharp contrast to the critical lack of social mobility in the real world. In Brazilian Portuguese, the word “lavagem” means cleanliness, cleaning, and hygiene, but also slop. The phrase “lavagem de dinheiro” – money laundering – is used to describe an unlawful source of income. “Lavagem cerebral” means brainwashing. But an “alma lavada” is a cleansed soul.

In their most recent piece, Alice Ripoll and Cia. REC, reality is mixed with fantasy to create an apocalyptic dream. The performance uses bubbles, water, and soap to explore ambivalent images while taking into account the act of cleaning and its performative and historical development and subjecting it to a critical view. The result is a series of poetic images of exodus, of crossing borders, of ritual, rebirth, and resistance. Viewers may take in the performance purely visually, or they can let themselves be affected by its social contexts, the destinies it traces, and opportunities for change.

The performers build a close relationship with the audience and discover new possibilities for making contact and for a shared experience in a shared space. Physical proximity may result in claustrophobia or evoke a specific and symbolic sense of crowdedness. But it may also feel like a comforting bosom in which we perceive the scent and texture of the skin and the warmth given off by the body.

Alice Ripoll was born in Rio de Janeiro. Although she initially studied psychology, the moment she began to take an interest in the possibilities of the body and study of motion she changed direction and threw herself into the study of dance. She studied at the Angel Vianna School of Dance, a leading center of dance of motor rehabilitation, and began to work as a choreographer. She has directed a number of performances and has performed in several as well. She also works with actors and circus artists. She is currently involved in contemporary dance and urban dances styles from Brazil and tries to enable dancers to visually depict the experiences and memories that remain alive within them. Alice is the director of two art groups: REC and SUAVE. Her performances are held in various places or festivals in Brazil (e.g., Panorama Festival, Bienal SES de Dança, MIT) and abroad, including Kampnagel – Internationales Sommerfestival, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival, Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, HAU, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Centre Pompidou, and Wiener Festwochen.


No language barrier
Length of performance: 70 min.
Age category: 14+


Režie: Alice Ripoll
Původní idea: Alan Ferreira
Performeři: Alan Ferreira, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Rômulo Galvão, Tony Hewerton, Tamires Costa
Kreace: Alan Ferreira, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Rômulo Galvão, Tony Hewerton, Tuany Nascimento
Vedoucí produkce: Natasha Corbelino | Corbelino Cultural
Asistent produkce: Thais Peixoto
Umělecký asistent: Laura Samy
Fotografie: Renato Mangolin
Scénografie: Raquel Theo 
Rekvizity: Cleber de Oliveira
Kostýmní designer: Paula Ströher
Světelný designer: Tomas Ribas
Osvětlovač: Nadja Naira 
Tour manager: ART HAPPENS
Za podpory: Rafael Machado Fisioterapia

Koprodukce: Kunstenfetivaldesarts, PACT Zollverein, Kaserne Basel, Wiener Festwochen, Julidans, Festival de la Cité Lausanne, Passages Transfestival, Romaeuropa Festival and Teatro di Roma – Teatro Nazionale, Festival d’Automne à Paris.

Zvláštní poděkování: Alexandre Belfort, Sulamita Costa, Juliana França, André Oliveira, Walace Ferreira, Juliete Schultz, Mauricio Lima, Pedro Bento, Thamires Candida, Dilo Paulo, Diewry Patrick, Lenna Santos de Siqueira, Camila Rocha, Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Arnoldo Pereira de Souza, Anita Tandeta, Camila Moura, Renato Linhares, Cecilia Ripoll, Andrea Capella, Casa de Mystérios a Novidades.