
Čtyři dny | Four days

Are you blocked by the block exemption?

The Use of Block Exemptions for Financing Culture through Public Funding in the Czech Republic

  • Monday Oct 8 / 16:00, Desfours Palace

This panel discussion focuses on changes in the methodology used for processing grant applications taking into account the block exemption regulation and the associated rules for financing in the cultural sector. Block exemptions are a subsequent measure implemented by the EU to resolve how aid is provided from public funds as a part of de minimis aid. The relevant rules are legally binding for all entities who provide subsidies and grants from public budgets, however, the way they are interpreted in the Czech context continues to be significantly problematic. The discussion will also cover news in this area from the perspective of grant and subsidy providers as well as the recipients of such financial aid.

This panel discussion is organized by the Places of Act project in co-operation with CzechMobility.Info – the Czech information point for supporting international artistic collaboration. The aim of the latter is to assist professional in the cultural sector with regard to practical issues associated with mobility, such as taxes, visas, insurance, and artist contracts. The core of the project consists of an online information portal. The information point’s activities include consultations and workshops.