
Čtyři dny | Four days

Holidays From The Bigger World

PYL (Czech Republic)

Performance playground for families with children from 3 years of age
  • Saturday Oct 7 / 14:00–18:00, INI Gallery
Free entry
Venue: INI Gallery, Jeronýmova 88/9, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov

Performance playground (Durational performance) – suitable for visits by families with children from three years of age.

Holidays From The Bigger World is a playground that proposes to the audience to experience an alternative model of the coexistence of people and inanimate entities. Collective PYL invites spectators of all ages, shapes and sizes to forget about rational logic and surf into a new reality created in collaboration with many unexpected species.  INI gallery becomes an environment where you can experience a journey passing by a futuristic Talking Puddle (where you cannot drown), encountering a Whistling Cup or anE motional Plastic Bag. By accepting the terms and conditions of the game, you can discover a sudden transformation of a mobile phone box into a fin of a dolphin and confess your lovet o Slime (at any moment). On this day, it is not a gallery, it is a place to play and a puzzle of which you can create your own sense of.


PYL is an international collective of artists who devise together in the field of postdramatic theatre, visual arts, sound and intermedia. Their practice explores the borders of anthropocentric perception in a dialog with objects and ironic attempts to grasp nonhuman agency. Through application of DIY methods, recycling and compilation principles, the group develops its own visual language, which extends the meanings of scenography far beyond the theatre stage. Their works shift cultural codes, contexts and origins of regular things, while transforming objects to beings and beings to objects. Sensitivity towards the dailiness, sharing moments and personal experiences in non-linear and playful ways transmit on the group’s associative approach on coworking process.


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Devised by PYL (Maria Komarova, Svetlana Silich, Anna Romanova)
Curator: Jana Doudová
Special thanks to: Theresa Schrezenmeir, Michal Kindernay, INI project, GAMPA – Centrum pro otevřenou kulturu, Terén – field for performing arts
Production support: Karolína Schön, Performensk z.s.

Supported by: Ministry of Culture, Prague 7 – Art District, DAMU (Academy of Performing Arts in Prague)
