
Čtyři dny | Four days

[ The Frame ]

Eléctrico 28 (Spain)

Immersive performance
Oct 11 Tuesday 14:30 corner of Na Příkopech and Havířská streets
Oct 11 Tuesday 16:30 corner of Na Příkopech and Havířská streets
Oct 12 Wednesday 14:30 corner of Na Příkopech and Havířská streets
Oct 12 Wednesday 16:30 corner of Na Příkopech and Havířská streets
An invitation to halt
An opportunity to look another in the eye
A space for understanding and appreciation
A tribute to the present and to everyday life
An invitation to open one’s heart
A silent revolt against the capitalist way of thinking


[ The Frame ] is inspired by Georges Perec and his observation and arrangement of various materials. It asks us to have a seat before the flowing life of the city so that we may observe it, consider it, and compute, label, and share it… Four figures trained in the disciplines of observing and arranging space, things, and beings translate what is going on through the use of letters that become words and words that become sentences. For a while, EVERYTHING becomes a great theater play that never ends. A play without a plot, a play that seeks to balance on the imaginary edge of the triviality of the things that happen. A play under a magnifying glass. [ The Frame ] is an invitation to open one’s heart and eyes to small, unimportant things. [ The Frame ] is a great opportunity for anything. It is a radical exercise.

The audience is taken to a “pop-up theater” in a quiet side street, where they sit and watch the everyday life that plays out before them on a much larger, busy street. Through headphones, an audio universe reflecting what is happening lets them “travel” into EXPERIENCED PRESENCE, where they remain for forty-five minutes. This constant presence is all that happens during the intervention. The four characters delve into the vertiginous present, describing and translating it with poetic simplicity using a number of different forms of expression: live audio, signs, pre-recorded text, live text, voice, interviews. Within this expanded performative space, they create a play involving the people (and animals) inside the picture, the people in the adjoining space on margins of the field of view, the audience as observers, and the actors.

A playful space, a poetic space, a space of surprises and spontaneous actions, a space of immediate presence, a space that questions the conventions of theater and the usual use of public space.


Eléctrico 28 is a European collective of artists from various fields of clowning, physical theater, dance, writing, and street art. Ever since their beginnings with their first joint project, Espresso Encounters, they have shared a passion for reflecting on public space as a stage and have engaged in the search for a vocabulary, a dramaturgy, and surprises and images for it and in it. Their projects evoke a desire to play, to imagine, and to think, since for them these qualities are basic human needs.


Length of performance: 45 min.
No language barrier.


Autoři a performeři: Daniela Poch, Josep Cosials, Jordi Solé and Alina Stockinger
Dramaturgie: Claudia Mirambell Adroher, Sergi Estebanell
Produkce: Eléctrico Express & Arnau Vinós
Hudba a zvuk: Jakob Rüdisser
Kostýmy: Sarah Sternat
Foto: Eva Freixa / Clemens Nestroy
Video: Raúl Moreno
Koprodukce: Generalitat de Catalunya (Departament de Cultura) ICEC & theaterland steiermark & Fira Tàrrega