Exhibition intervention
Interventions into art
Mo–Fr 16:00–22:00, Sa–Su 14:00–22:00
Opening and closing until 24:00
The exhibition gives visitors the chance to explore art in a highly entertaining and interesting manner from the position of critical viewer, creator, and also participant in a conceptual project. The combination of entertainment, natural joy from destruction, inspirational aesthetics, and the emotional potential of art produces a creative space in which the recipients of art become directly involved in the creative process and, consciously or not, help to create new qualities and values born from the death of the old ones.
The visitor is a shooter, the gallery a shooting range, and art is the target!
LSJ is a multidisciplinary association founded in 1999 as a platform for its members’ self-realization and presentation through a wide range of primarily artistic interventions into public space. The group’s members are: Mikuláš Adamovský, Václav Krčál, Václav Mašek, and František Antonín Skála.