
Čtyři dny | Four days

Audio Zone at Vltava station

Kánon100 project

DAILY / Desfours Palace
Mo–Fr 16:00–22:00, Sa–Su 14:00–22:00
Opening and closing until 24:00
Price: 50 CZK (within an entrance fee for an exhibition)

The Czech Radio Vltava station will present the Kánon100 project in Desfours Palace. The Good Soldier Švejk, The Cremator, the Pink Tank. Which canonic works made in the course of the past one hundred years since the birth of the First Czechoslovak Republic do we consider the most important ones? You will hear poetry, prose, and essays by authors nominated in the Kánon100 survey. You will listen to voices of Ivan Martin Jirous, Jaroslav Seifert or Bohumil Hrabal, which were recorded and stored in the archive. The authentic recordings will be played on old discarded devices – a tape and cassette recorder or walkman. You will decide which works are canonic for you. Rewrite Czech art history!

More about the project:  vltava.rozhlas.cz/kanon100