
Čtyři dny | Four days

Between Buildings

or, How do architects play with architecture?

/ Lecture
  • Thursday Jun 10 / 7.30 pm, Casino
Price: 50 CZK / 30 CZK

Between Buildings
or, How do architects play with architecture?
Reinterpretations, transformations, parallels, and chance. Public space and planned cities as seen by the artists Tomáš Džadoň, Jakub Geltner, Katarína Hládeková, Lukáš Machalický, and more.

The “Kruh” (Circle) civic association has been collaborating with 4+4 Days in Motion for several years. This year’s lecture responds to the topic of “Would you like to play another game?” and to the specific event location: the former Casino.

Kruh has been organizing public events and lectures on the subject of current events in architecture since 2001. The goal of these lectures and discussions is to involve the general public in a dialogue on the quality of Czech and international architecture and on architectural projects – i.e., to bring these topics outside of the narrow circles of architecture students and professionals. Kruh has organized more than a hundred lectures by leading and interesting Czech and foreign architects and theoreticians, plus two architecture film festivals and the exhibition Vocation: Architect. Kruh also regularly publishes a series of anthologies entitled Texts on Architecture, and initiated the country-wide “Day of Architecture”, whose second edition took place this September.
