
Čtyři dny | Four days

Introduction of the New ArteActa Magazine and a Round Table Discussion about Artistic Research

What is artistic research and why does it exist? What forms does artistic research take on abroad and here, in the Czech Republic?

  • Saturday Oct 13 / 18:00, Desfours Palace

This event introduces ArteActa – a new professional magazine focused on contemporary performance art and artistic research, which was launched this year by the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. A round table discussion about the topic of artistic research follows a brief presentation of the magazine. What is artistic research and why does it exist? What forms does artistic research take on abroad and here, in the Czech Republic? Is artistic research a fully-fledged scientific discipline, or is it just a currently popular short-term trend? ArteActa’s editors and members of the magazine’s editorial board, together with other experts in the field, will try to answer all of these questions.

Confirmed Panelists:
Jan Motal, Andrea Průchová, Kateřina Šedá, Sodja Zupanc Lotker, Tereza Czesany Dvořáková and Jan Jiřík