
Čtyři dny | Four days

Lotte van den Berg (NL)

Cinema Imaginaire

/ Theatre
  • Friday Oct 17 / 19:00, Archa Theatre
    / Programme change: starts at 7 p.m.,
    meeting at the entrance of Archa Theatre
  • Saturday Oct 18 / 12:00, Archa Theatre
    / meeting at the entrance of Archa Theatre
  • Saturday Oct 18 / 16:00, Archa Theatre
    / meeting at the entrance of Archa Theatre

“To create strong images, you don’t need actors, a director or a stage
design. The only thing you need is the guts to look.” Cinema Imaginaire is a performance which is created by the spectators.

Participating spectators are invited to make an imaginary film which  will exist only in their own minds. To create strong images, you don’t need actors, a director or a stage design. The only thing you need is the guts to look.

Cinema Imaginaire gives you a lasting, new perspective on your own presence in the city of Prague – in the midst of others.

Lotte van den Berg studied directing at the Amsterdam School of the Arts (1997-2001) has been a guest director at Dutch and Flemish theaters. In 2009, she founded her own theater company, OMSK, which moved to Utrecht since 2012. Her work is characterized by a simple, sober, and bare visual language that works with the worlds of dance, theater, and film to create a distinctive style that has been described as follows: “Van den Berg blows a bubble round the ordinary to grasp its naked essence.” Lotte has received numerous awards (Erik Vos Prize, Charlotte Kohler Prize), has worked at European festivals, and has also worked in the United States, Canada, and Africa.
Concept: Lotte van den Berg

Concept: Lotte van den Berg

Duration: 3 hours
In Czech language


In collaboration with the IN SITU European network for artistic creation in public space.