Kyklos Galaktikos
- Saturday Dec 19 / 8.30 pm, Casino
Kyklos Galaktikos is one of the most distinctive new bands on the Czech music scene. Their sophisticated debut Osa dobra (Axis of Good, available free for download) is based on electronic beats and strong lyrics that mix activism with philosophy. KG work with hip-hop, but their rhythmic constructions and overall song structure reach beyond the genre.
Jan Burian
Composer, theater director, performer. Is engaged in music of all genres, from electronic to classical to ritual to spiritual. He is especially interested in the application of music and sound in everyday life. His theater work emphasizes simplicity and the combination of various genres and disciplines. He is passionate about alchemy.Jaroslav Hrdlička
Currently studying new media under Markus Huemer at the Academy of Fine Arts. His works explore the relationship between “observer” and “observed”, and he often works with experience. He writes poetry, short stories and fairy tales, and dances and sings.Kateřina Kynclová, Johana Matoušková, Vojtěch Vaněk and others.
The concert is organized in collaboration with the Vinyla Music Awards.
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