
Čtyři dny | Four days

Veronika Šrek Bromová: Where is my home?
Petr Švolba: Riot of matter

ProLuka – outSITE gallery

Exhibition opening: June 22, 18:00

ProLuka Gallery – Bezručovy sady, Praha 10 – Vršovice
(park opposite to the house Slovenská 23), tram stop Krymská
map ›


VERONIKA Šrek BROMOVÁ: Where is my home?

Teepee left only as a light wooden structure, which is gradually grown and embraced by a climbing plant, beans as a symbol of food, hops as a symbol of golden national juice, which causes a certain shift in perception and which groundes us Czechs. The construction of the building as a skeleton, which overgrows with young shoots and resembles only a kind of dreamy and airy, dematerialized gazebo, which is exposed to all and connects all the basic elements. A place of contemplation, stopping and thinking about who we are, where we are going, where our place is. Where is home in this current largely dislocated world of insane values and qualities.

Veronika Šrek Bromová is an intermedia artist. She has exhibited in many places in Europe, and was representing the Czech Republic at the Venice Biennale in 1999. Her works are located in important public collections in the Czech Republic and abroad. From 2001 to 2011 she ran the New Media Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. The core of her work are feminine themes, body, gender, family, alternative family, nature, mythology, and in the last decade she has been developing her own ways of ritual – performance. She is inspired by the traditions of native nations and cultures.


PETR ŠVOLBA: Riot of matter

In his book Liquid Modernity, sociologist Zikmund Bauman characterized contemporary society as a changeable, highly individualized, consumerist and globalized one that lacks a solid foundation of modernity … using a metaphor for liquefaction or melting.

According to him, we can understand the whole modernization as a process of liquefaction, however, while in the solid part the traditional substances were melted in order to form a new order and create more perfect solid bodies, in liquid modernity the bodies only dissolve.
What is fixed and immobile arises from what flows, pulsates, moves. First there is movement, then shape. The movement is only chaotic at first glance, but in this chaos lies the order, which is extremely sensitive and receptive.

Petr Švolba is a graduate of sculpture and drawing at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava. In his work, he has long focused on environmental issues, especially the issue of water and other, perfect and indispensable systems that are essential for our lives. With his installations, objects, figural sculpture and small architecture, the artist touches on issues that we can no longer hear.


  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá

  • Foto: Markéta M. Černá

    Foto: Markéta M. Černá


  • Foto: archiv Čtyři dny

    Foto: archiv Čtyři dny

  • Foto: archiv Čtyři dny

    Foto: archiv Čtyři dny

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    Foto: archiv Čtyři dny

  • Foto: archiv Čtyři dny

    Foto: archiv Čtyři dny

  • Foto: archiv Čtyři dny

    Foto: archiv Čtyři dny


Supported by: Town District Prague 10, Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, Prague City Council
Media partners: ArtMap, Fotograf
Organizer: Čtyři dny/Four Days