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bývalé Federální shromáždění
- nová budova Národního muzea
Boris Ondreička:
"Maklér a láska"
Boris Ondreička is since 2002 working as a project leader of the initiative for contemporary art He is artist, poet, occasional singer and communication solutioner based in Bratislava. Boris Ondreička has exhibited at numerous solo and group exhibitions, which include Junge Szene, Secession, Vienna; Manifesta 2, CPCA, Luxembourg; Egon Grabstein`s Demonstraat 00, Attachment+, ... Kunsthalle Loppem; Generation Z, PS1, NYC; Midnight Walkers - City Sleepers, W139, Amsterdam; Landscape, Bak, Utrecht; Radiodays, De Appel, Amsterdam; Projekt Migration, Kölnischer Kunstverein Cologne, Venice Biennale 2005 etc.