ZOJA SMUTNÝ (CZ/GR/CA) „Endings“ A sudden end, waiting for the end, living in the end. What happens when we control the “end”? And what happens when we have no influence on its arrival or its course?
Multimedial performance Endings examines various possibilities, forms and courses of the end in sequence of its short, abstractly visual interpretations. Using movement, video and sound, the performance experiments with situations where a body and its doom are the main topic.
The performance originated in the cooperation of a choreographer Zoja Smutný (CZ/GR/CAD) with a British-Greek composer Eric Samothracis and Greek-German video-artist Athena Stamati.
Duration: 40 min
Within the project KORZARt.
Performers and authors: Alicia Grant, Carlo Gonzalez-Vio, Guntar Kravis, Markéta Richterová, Anna Smutny.
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