BERLIN (B) „Bonanza“ A unique documentary theater-film portrait of inhabitants from a former mining town in Rocky Mountains in Colorado. The town founded in 1881 experienced a famous era in the time of gold and silver rush. In the 70’s, the last mine was closed and today 22 inhabitants with permanent residence are registered at the local office that belongs to the smallest in the world. In fact, there are only seven people who live permanently in Bonanza. Even the mayoress of the town does not live in the town permanently. The relations of inhabitants of the isolated town are full of hatred and rivality. Some disputes originated decades ago. Interviews with inhabitants, shots from their daily life, change od light during the day, dawns and sunsets – viewers see all this on five film screens, their editing is accomodated to possibilities of synchronized perception of an image. The performance belonged to highlights of the main programme at IETM festival in Gent in 2007.
The Berlin group of multimedia artists is created by directors Bart Baele, Yves Degryse and an actress Caroline Rochlitz. The name comes from one of their most favorite places. Cities and places have become the theme of their common production. They combine sociological and historical research with the procedures of a reception documentary and artistic vision. The results are impressive portraits of cities or little villages revealing beauties and traumas of landscape and its inhabitants. The Bonanza project connects with an artistic probe in divided Jerusalem, rough Canadian Iqualuit and it precedes a prepared reflection of Moscow.
BERLIN: Bart Beale & Yves Degrese & Caroline Rochlitz
Duration: 60 min In English, with Czech subtitles
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Supported by: Agentschap Kunsten en Erfgoed
Koncept: Berlin; Photography: Bart Beale / Nico Lejnem; Sound engineer: Tom De with; Editor: Bart Beale; Soundtrack & Miziny: Peter Van Laerhoven; Research: Berlin / Nico Lejnem; Graphics: Gerjo van Dam; Scale model: Koen De Ceuleneer; Support scenery /executer: Tom Van de Oudeweetering; Catering: Kim Troubleyn, Veronique Bažena; Subtitling: Sofie Brnkot; Software development: Frank Lanssens; Electronics: Dadaelectronic