
Čtyři dny | Four days

Under Lenin and under Klaus, we’re partying in the house!

Installation in the ground floor of the building for the exhibition Would you like to play another game?

/ Exhibition
  • Daily / , Casino

author: Jedinečné svatopěstitelské družstvo (The Incomparable Holy Horticultural Cooperative)
technique: site-specific, material lent by UPSYCH 316a

A site-specific project recalling the sinful history of this building: A brutal temple, headquarters of a morally bankrupt student organization under late socialism and godless lair of early capitalism where these same students later planned their criminal schemes. Enter the narrow path and meditate upon the putrefaction of both regimes. Relicts of scandalous shindigs on the left and on the right. Contempt for education, the worship of money. The sins of yesterday, the sins of today. Enter a path ploughed through this hotbed, and witness the remains of bygone parties and bashes. Walk the path between pandemonium and brouhaha, class hatred and class envy, the scoundrels of the left and the scoundrels of the right.