
Čtyři dny | Four days


symposium about art and money

/ Symposium
  • Friday Sep 14 / 6 pm, Casino
free entry

The media usually discuss art and money in relation to the record auction prices of paintings by František Kupka or Emil Filla, or when the importance of an exhibition is underscored by the exorbitant insurance premiums necessary in order to acquire certain works on loan. But people outside of the art scene know very little about how Czech art is financed, what kinds of grants and scholarships programs there are, the relationships between artists, collectors, commercial galleries and public exhibition spaces, how many artists hold a “day job” in order to be able to make their art, or what kinds of financing models exist in other countries. The aim of this informal meeting organized by artalk.cz is to offer a brief introduction to the Czech model and to subsequently discuss whether the conditions as they exist in the Czech Republic are favorable for artists, what might be worth changing, and what inspiration we can draw from our neighbors.

Guests: Lucie Drdová / Vít Havránek / Magdalena Juříková / František Kowolowski / Tereza Stejskalová / Dušan Zahoranský / Milan Němeček etc.

Moderator: Silvie Šeborová