About Four Days
Four Days is the non-profit, non-governmental association which since 1996 has organized the international theatre festival 4+4 Days in Motion (4+4 dny v pohybu) and has also arranged number of unique international projects and cultural exchanges.
Four Days has organized 17 international theatre festivals, workshops with lectors from European countries, international site specific projects, co-production projects with other European organisations, seminars, membership in international associations and organisations, and consultation activities in the field of cultural management. The dramaturgy of which explores both the artist of dance and movement theatre and the artist of visual and kinetic art.
Since its inception, Four Days has numbered four people: producers Denisa Vaclavova, Marketa Cerna, Nikola Böhmova and dramaturg Pavel Storek.
In 1998, Four Days worked closely with the mamapapa organization to effectively transplant the festival from traditional theatrical institutions and halls to the unconventional space of a century-old sewage treatment plant In Bubeneč. The following year, this same festival was held in the abandoned factory space of CKD Karlín. In 2000 the festival took place in the former brewery in Holešovice and the sixth year of the festival in 2001 was held in Tyršův House and the Nosticova Hall. The 7th festival was held in Ponec Theatre, the eights took place in the area of former brickwork in Sarecke Valley and for 9th annual we chose a romantic area of public park Stromovka – surrounding area of Šlechtova Restaurant. The 10th annual theatre festival took place in the spaces of Prague ZOO and at the hockey stadium HC Hvezda in Vokovice. In 2006 became the heart of the festival the house in the centre of Prague (former dental clinic) in Jungmannova 21 and international companies were presented in theatres Alfred ve dvore (Alfred in the Couryard) and Ponec Theatre. Next year we cooperated with famous Dutch group Theatre SILO. Together with Czech artists they tailored the space of the Agricultural Museum in Prague to ask the audience and passers by the crucial questions of cultivation – the site-specific project named KULTIVAR. Jednotka/Unit built up amazing bar at the Letná park and theatre performances took place in theatres Archa and Ponec. The 13th edition of the festival took place at the industrial halls in Holesovice and 14th festival took place in the building of the former Federal Assembly. The 15th and 16th edition took place in the former Folk Art Production in Národní street. Apart from the Archa Theatre, La Fabrika, NOD and Hala Alta, the festival also took place in the former casino in Pařížská street in Prague 1. The building was originally the seat of the International Student Association. The 18th edition of the festival took place in the Archa Theatre, the New Stage of the National Theatre, Alta Studio, Baráčnická rychta, Orco and Palác U Stýblů at the Wenceslas Square. The 19th edition of the festival also took place in Palác U Stýblů, former Folk Art Production, Archa Theatre, Ponec Theatre and Studio Alta. The 20th edition of the festival took place in Desfours Palace in Florenc, Archa and Ponec Theatres and Jatka78. The 21st edition took place in municipal buildings at the Old Town Square, Archa Theatre, Ponec Theatre and Studio Hrdinů. The 22nd edition took place at Karlín Barracks, Archa Theatre, Ponec Theatre, Alfred ve dvoře Theatre and Studio Alta. 23rd and 24th festival returned to the Desfour´s Palace and to Archa Theatre, Ponec – Theatre for Dance and to the newly opened venue DOX+ which is a part of DOX – Centre of Contemporary Art.
This use of un-traditional festival spaces met with highly positive acclaim from the participants, professional critics and a wide audience alike.
1998 / Stará kanalizační čistírna odpadních vod v Bubenči
/ Foto: Markéta M. Černá / Archiv Čtyři dny2006 / Bývalá stomatologická poliklinika v Jungmannově ulici
/ Foto: Markéta M. Černá / Archiv Čtyři dny2009 / Budova bývalého Federálního shromáždění
/ Foto: Markéta M. Černá / Archiv Čtyři dny2012 / Budova bývalého Casina a Mezinárodního svazu studentstva
/ Foto: Markéta M. Černá / Archiv Čtyři dny2016 / Radniční domy
/ Foto: Markéta M. Černá / Archiv Čtyři dny2015 + 2018 + 2019 / Desfourský palác
/ Foto: Markéta M. Černá / Archiv Čtyři dny
2023 | Erpet Smíchov |
2022 | Erpet Smíchov |
2021 | New School in Strašnice |
2020 | New School in Strašnice |
2019 | Desfours Palace |
2018 | Desfours Palace |
2017 | Karlín Barracks |
2016 | Municipal buildings |
2015 | Desfours Palace |
2014 | Palác U Stýblů, Václavské náměstí, Praha 1 |
2013 | Palác U Stýblů, Václavské náměstí, Praha 1 |
2012 | former casino building on Prague’s Pařížská street 25, P-1 |
2011 | former Institute of Folk Art Production (ÚLUV) |
2010 | former Institute of Folk Art Production (ÚLUV) |
2009 | building of the former Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia, Prague 1 |
2008 | industrial halls in Holesovice, Prague 7 |
2007 | National Museum of Agriculture, Prague 7 |
2006 | former dental clinic in Jungmannova str., Prague 1 |
2005 | ZOO in Troja, Prague 7 + ice hockey stadium, Prague 6 |
2004 | surroundings of Slechtova Restaurant, Prague 7 – Stromovka |
2003 | former brickwork in Sarecke Valley, Prague 6 |
2001 | gyms and spaces of the Tyrš´s House, Prague 1 – Small Town |
2000 | former brewery, Prague 7 – Holesovice |
1999 | abandoned factory halls in CKD, Prague 8 – Karlin |
1998 | old sewage treatment plant, Prague 6 – Bubenec |
The main task of the association is an organisation of international theatre festival Four + Four Days in Motion. Since 1996 the festival’s aim is to present contemporary inovative theatre projects, every year the festival presents ca twenty groups from all over the world. The particularity of the festival is to enliven objects of the Prague architecture by theatre and presentation of international projects co-produced by Four Days.
Projects of the festival include all genres of contemporary art (theatre, dance, music, visual art, film, video art). Every year of the festival has its specific theme – leitmotif, for example Demolition (abandoned halls of CKD, where the festival took place were prepared to demolishon), Hibernation (freezing of cultural activities in the Czech Republic, extinction of residential spaces, etc) The effect of connecting the individual genres of art in the dramaturgy of the festival is also the connection of visitors of theatre performances with the vistiors of concert, galleries and fans of dance music.
Thus festival 4+4 Days in Motion is in the Czech context an unique event. The natural part of the festival create seminars and workshops, which often become the basis for the next cooperation between artists, managers, and theatre professionals from different countries.