'Places of Act'- site specific project
for former Institute of Folk Art Production (ÚLUV),
Národní 36, Prague 1
Exhibitions, forum of the future, site performance, videoart, architectural lectures, pro city walks - commented tours of exhibitions, building and its surroundings, film, art bar and others.
Project SPACE
Project SPACE organizes from 21st till 23rd October 2010 a training program related to mobility for artistic managers
SPACE (Supporting Performing Arts Circulation in Europe, (www.spaceproject.eu) is a joint platform founded by ten national institutions throughout Europe that are internationally active in the field of the performing arts. It is supported by the European Commission as part of a pilot project for artist mobility. The Czech Republic is represented the Art Institute – Theatre Institute, which is a project partner. The aim of the SPACE project is to promote artists’ mobility and to combine cultural mobility with cultural diversity, European citizenship, and an investment into future generations.
Around 100 promising theater professionals from various European countries will participate in training programs related to mobility that will be held at prestigious festivals throughout Europe. The training program has three target groups: one part of the program is devoted to theater managers, a second is for dramaturges and artistic directors of festivals and theaters, and a third is aimed at theater critics and academics.
Partners of the SPACE project:
Art Institute – Theatre Institute – Prague, ONDA (National office for the circulation of performing Arts) – Paris, VTI (Vlaams Theater Instituut) – Brussels, TIN (Theater Instituut Nederlands) – Amsterdam, NTIL (New Theater Institute of Latvia) – Riga, British Council – London, ETI (Ente Teatrale Italiano) – Rome, Pro Helvetia – Zurich, The Red House – Sofia, and Zentrum BRD des Internationalen Theaterinstituts – Berlin. The SPACE projects will be realized in close cooperation with IETM (Informal European Theatre Meeting – Brussels).