'Places of Act'- site specific project
for former Institute of Folk Art Production (ÚLUV),
Národní 36, Prague 1
Exhibitions, forum of the future, site performance, videoart, architectural lectures, pro city walks - commented tours of exhibitions, building and its surroundings, film, art bar and others.
The Starting Point Can Be Zero
Video art of Czech Artists with Themis depicting architecture, space and urbanism.
Presented artists: Zbyněk Baladrán, Jiří Černický, Pavla Gajdošíková, David Kopecký, Eva Koťátková, David Možný, Daniel Pitín, Jan Pfeiffer etc.
From videoarchive of VVP AVU selected by: Terezie Nekvindová a Sláva Sobotovičová.
In cooperation with: Vědecko-výzkumné pracoviště Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze (VVP AVU).