
Čtyři dny | Four days

Do you have a knack for art?

Educational programs for schools

DAILY on weekdays
7–14 October from 9am to 2pm
Admission free for schools

Limited capacity. Reservations: bohdana@umeleckestrevo.cz

From Friday 7 October to Friday 14 October 2022, always from 9am until the afternoon, we offer educational programs for schools and the public. For students of primary and secondary schools, we have put together a 90-minute program that includes an interactive tour of the exhibition and of the Erpet Smíchov former sports center (the tours are always tailored for the participants’ age). For older student groups (age 15 and up), we also offer a 60-minute guided tour.

Fiction, dream, and reality as a game, art, or everyday existence.
Present, future. Utopia? Dystopia?
Who are we, where do we come from, and where are we going?
Does someone else know better somewhere else, at another time?
Or do you, here and now?


As at past festivals, this year’s accompanying activities are organized by the educational platform Do You Have a Knack for Art?

In view of the size of the school building, capacity is limited. Make sure to reserve your space in advance!

Educational programs and guided tours for groups are free.

Created by Tereza Beranová and Jiří Raiterman of Máš umělecké střevo? (Do You Have a Knack for Art?).

We look forward to seeing you!


Follow-up action:

Family art workshop: “Question mark”