'Places of Act' -
a site specific project
for the former Federal Assembly
- new building of the National Museum
Vinohradská 1, Praha 1
site-specific performance, architecture-focussed walks
installation, cultural forum,
concert, workshop, movies, art bar
Forum ‘Parliament of the Future’
or The Crisis as an Opportunity »
Festival bar - tent IS HEATED!
In case you didn´t manage to reserve the ticket, please take a chance at the venue or you can call the day of the walk at 777 701 666 (Nikola Böhmová). There might be some left tickets.

by jednotka/unit
concert of band Please The Trees, DJ´s …
festival meeting point |
Festival bar - tent IS HEATED!
Sound workshop with Johnem Grzinichem
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Ondřej Kobza's Dance hall
Action lyrics by Ondřej David for the Chamber of Nations. A duel between body and word - "something specific" | more ›
in Art bar Federál
Indie-rock music concert | more ›
Andrea Sonnberger (Germany) and Gustavo Ciríaco (Brazil) on silent walk in the city.
Performance for 22 spectators | more ›
Limited audience! Reserve tickets!
(re-run on 12 Monday and 13 Tuesday)
Andrea Sonnberger (Germany) and Gustavo Ciríaco (Brazil) on silent walk in the city.
Performance for 22 spectators | more ›
Limited audience! Reserve tickets!
(re-run on 11 Sunday and 13 Tuesday)
Lectures about architecture
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Unique views on a select location. The history and architecture of the former Federal Assembly and its surroundings. Comment tour by Rostislav Švácha (architecture historian and theoretician).
Limited audience! Meeting place – the Federal bar in front of the Federal Assembly.
Andrea Sonnberger (Germany) and Gustavo Ciríaco (Brazil) on silent walk in the city.
Performance for 22 spectators | more ›
Limited audience! Reserve tickets!
Unique views on a select location. The history and architecture of the former Federal Assembly and its surroundings. Comment tour by Zdeněk Lukeš (architecture and historian).
Limited audience! Meeting place – the Federal bar in front of the Federal Assembly.
Unique views on a select location. The history and architecture of the former Federal Assembly and its surroundings. Comment tour by Jiří T. Kotalík (architecture historian and theoretician).
Limited audience! Meeting place – the Federal bar in front of the Federal Assembly.
Speakers: Tomáš Sedláček, Naďa Johanisová, Jiří Pehe, Jiří Zemánek, Jan Rovenský, Petr Machálek, Milan Smrž, Alexandra Brabcová, Patricie Anzari, Radomil Hradil, PAS (Vít Havránek, Jiří Skála, Tomáš Vaněk), Ondřej Černý, Boris Ondreička | more ›
Limited audience! › REGISTRATION ‹
Unique views on a select location. The history and architecture of the former Federal Assembly and its surroundings. Comment tour by Radomíra Sedláková (architecture historian) and Karel Ksandr (architecture historian, assistant director of the National Museum).
Limited audience! Meeting place – the Federal bar in front of the Federal Assembly.
Unique views on a select location. The history and architecture of the former Federal Assembly and its surroundings. Comment tour by Radovan Lipus (theatre director, author of the Šumná města project).
Limited audience! Meeting place – the Federal bar in front of the Federal Assembly.
Lectures about architecture
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Unique views on a select location. The history and architecture of the former Federal Assembly and its surroundings. Comment tour by David Vávra (architect, founder of Sklep Theatre).
Limited audience! Meeting place – the Federal bar in front of the Federal Assembly.
Unique views on a select location. The history and architecture of the former Federal Assembly and its surroundings. Comment tour by Václav Cílek (geologist and writer).
Limited audience! Meeting place – the Federal bar in front of the Federal Assembly.
/ | more in czech ›
Speakers: Doc. PhDr. Rostislav Švácha, Ing. arch. Jan Línek, Ing.arch. Jan Louda.Moderuje Vladimír Brož
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The Invisible – Acting In Sequences
Performance, czech premiere
The Invisible – Acting In Sequences is a performance adapted for space of the staircase of the former Federal Assembly building. | more ›
Ondřej Kobza's Dance hall
Festival bar - tent IS HEATED!
Project „Places of Act“ supported by:
Hlavní město Praha
MK ČR - divadlo a výtvarné umění
Nadace Život umělce
Goethe Institut Praha
In cooperation with Pražské Quadriennale scénografie a divadelního prostoru - v rámci projektu Intersekce podpořeným z programu Culture Evropské unie.
In cooperation with Kruh o.s. and Versus architekt o.s.
Project dramaturg and coordinator:
Denisa Václavová
tel.: +420 777 271 197